First characterization of pollutant emissions and air quality in Ica, Peru
air pollutants; human health; exposure to polluted air; air quality, anthropogenic activities.Abstract
Air pollution increases due to urbanization, industrialization, the automobile fleet and other anthropic activities. Particulate matter and greenhouse gases are the main air pollutants. The objective of the research was to characterize pollutant emissions and air quality in Ica, Peru, included as a priority attention area. Samples were taken at two points in the city during 2019, for a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the air. PM10 Suspended Particles, as well as gases (SO2, NO2, y H2S), are lower than those regulated in the National Quality Standards in both monitoring stations (E-1 and E-2). However, the PM2.5 Particulate Material exceeds what is established in the national environmental quality standards at the E-2 station. The city of Ica is included as a priority attention area. The greater risk of PM2.5 to the health of the population is evident, with the transport sector being one of the most important sources of emissions.
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