Preliminary Characterization of the Tintures at 10 % Obtained from Bixa Orellana l.


  • Lourdes Padró–Rodríguez Universidad de Oriente
  • Tania López−González Universidad de Oriente
  • Danelis Nuviola–Frómeta Universidad de Oriente


This paper aims to make the physical, physicochemical and qualitative chemical characterization of dyes at 10 % obtained from the seeds of Bixa orellana l. using ethanol solvent at 70 %, and extraction, maceration and percolation methods. The pH value was 6, which indicates a weak acid behavior in all cases. The results of the refractive index, specific density and total solids were higher in the dyes obtained by percolation. The capillary analysis displays an intensely colored image, spotting an orange colored fringe, a yellow colored sub fringe, and a fawn colored band. The qualitative chemical composition proved to be similar for both dyes. Such a behavior evidenced the existence of alkaloids, coumarins, saponins, triterpenes and steroids, reducing sugar, flavonoids, amino acids and amines, phenols and tannins. Conversely, quinones, mucilage, resins, and cardiac glycoside were not identified.

Keywords: Bixa orellana l., characterization of studies, medicinal plants, quality control.



How to Cite

Padró–Rodríguez, L., López−González, T., & Nuviola–Frómeta, D. (2017). Preliminary Characterization of the Tintures at 10 % Obtained from Bixa Orellana l. Revista Cubana De Química, 29(1), 103–114. Retrieved from


