Nobel Prizes in Chemistry and Philately. Part III: Polymers, Colloids, Applied Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry and Prizes Century XXI


  • MSc. Marlon Martínez-Reina Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Pamplona
  • PhD. Eliseo Amado-González Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Pamplona


Nobel Prizes in Chemistry and Philately, Part III, is a review of the stamps issued in different countries to commemorate the Nobel Prizes in polymers, colloids, applied chemistry, inorganic chemistry and prizes century XXI. This article complements part I, first decade and physicochemical, and part II, analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry and natural products. In the three articles is to underscore the pedagogical value of philately, applied to a particular topic: Nobel Prizes in Chemistry (1901-2011); history since it is creation by Alfred Bernhard Nobel, scientific research and representation of laureates on postage stamps.

Keyword: Philately, stamps postage, Nobel Prize in Chemistry.



How to Cite

Martínez-Reina, M. M., & Amado-González, P. E. (2015). Nobel Prizes in Chemistry and Philately. Part III: Polymers, Colloids, Applied Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry and Prizes Century XXI. Revista Cubana De Química, 26(1), 37–46. Retrieved from




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