First report of anthraquinonesin leaves from picramniagracilistul
Picramnia species have been known for their ethnobotanical use in traditional medicine and as promising sources of natural dyes. Picramniagracilis (URU) is a species used as bytheIka indigenous community of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia as a source of natural colorants, distributed in the Neotropic of the American continent. Ethanolic extract of leaves of the species was fractionated with solvents of increasing polarity and purified by column chromatography for isolation and identification of the anthraquinones previously registered in genus: aloe-emodin, emodin, chrysophanol and nataloe-emodin, and are reportedfor the first time in the species. The compounds were identifiedby HPLC-DAD and NMR 1H and 13Cspectroscopy.The analysis of the extract obtained from the fibers dyed with this species, showed that the anthraquinoneschrysophanol (1) and nataloe-emodin (2) as the main coloring compounds present, responsible for their dyed property.
Keywords: picramniagracilis, anthraquinones,nataloe-emodin, natural dyes, dyed property.
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