Immunotherapy to treat cancer by vaccines developed with biomaterials


  • MSc. Nelson Giovanny Rincon-Silva Universitat de les Illes Balears. Mallorca, España
  • MSc. Eylin Yaidith Jiménez-Vergara Universidad de los Andes. Bogotá Colombia
  • Lic. Juan David Rincon-Silva Universidad Pedagógica Nacional. Secretaria de Educación. Boyaca, Colombia


biomaterials, vaccine, cancer, inmulogy


Cancer is a serious disease that involves tissue growth caused by the continuous proliferation of abnormal cells, with the ability to invade and destroy other tissues, threatening the lives of patients. With the development of medicine, as well as biotechnology and genetic engineering, important advances have been made in the detection and control of this disease. However, this condition continues to be associated with death, suffering and high economic costs. Therefore, this review describes the application of some biomaterials for the administration of vaccines as a treatment route in some types of cancer, such as breast, colorectal, lung and prostate, according to reports from the world organization of the health and the national institute of health of the United States, and articles in indexed journals. Among the biomaterials included are nano and microparticles, self-assembled materials and scaffolds.



How to Cite

Rincon-Silva, M. N. G., Jiménez-Vergara, M. E. Y., & Rincon-Silva, L. J. D. (2020). Immunotherapy to treat cancer by vaccines developed with biomaterials. Revista Cubana De Química, 32(1), 18–43. Retrieved from


