Fertilization of Yardlong bean with bacterial formulations, organic matter and inorganic NPK – Fertilizer


  • Iraida Bayard-Vedey Empresa Productora y Comercializadora de Semilla. UEB – Santiago de Cuba. Ministerio de la Agricultura (MINAG), Cuba
  • Teresa de los Milagros Orberá-Ratón Universidad de Oriente. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Exactas. Centro de Estudios de Biotecnología Industrial (CEBI), Santiago de Cuba, Cuba


yardlong beans; bacterial – inoculant; plant- growth – stimulators.


The Yardlong bean is a nutritional food rich in proteins, vitamins and nutrients. In Cuba it is grown in organoponics on mixtures of organic matter, which supplied essential nutrients to the crop but are plant hormones deficient. It was evaluated plant growth promoting effects of Brevibacillus borstelensis supplemented and non-supplemented with organic matter, on seeds germination, flower emergence and fruits formation of yardlong bean, in compare to organic matter and NPK-inorganic fertilizer treated plants. The bacteria bioproduct supplemented with organic matter enhanced seeds germination and number of flower in compare to NPK-treated and organic matter-treated plants. However, fruits formation was equal in plants fertilized with Brev. borstelensis supplemented with organic matter and NPK-treated. It was reported for the first time the biostimulant effect of Brev. borstelensis on leguminous species. The bacteria specie show potential to be applied as biofertilizer on horticulture crops.



How to Cite

Bayard-Vedey, I., & Orberá-Ratón, T. de los M. (2020). Fertilization of Yardlong bean with bacterial formulations, organic matter and inorganic NPK – Fertilizer. Revista Cubana De Química, 32(2), 299–310. Retrieved from https://cubanaquimica.uo.edu.cu/index.php/cq/article/view/5142


