Estimation of the biogas potential from poultry litter
poultry litter; biogas; biogas potential.Abstract
Technological advances for biogas generation have allowed to revalue the poultry litter as it is a source of biomass with a high energy content. In this work was realized the potential study of the Poultry Litter Industry of the Sancti Spiritus province as a feasible treatment of it wastes. Physical-chemical characterization, biogas potential determination and the electrical and thermal power form poultry litter was carried out. The volatile solids were within the range reported by the literature for replacement and laying hen manure, being 44, 20 % and 43, 09 % and it was estimated that 8178m3 of biogas can be generated daily, which would represent a production between 6656 MWh of electrical energy and 9 641 MWh of thermal energy per year, which would largely support the energy of the demand of poultry farms.
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