Space-time evaluation of the quality of waters in the Guaos-Gascón hydrographic basin
pollution; surface waters; quality.Abstract
The waters coming from the Guaos-Gascón Hydrographic Basin, located in the western part of the city of Santiago de Cuba, are used as area of disposition of residual products of the human activity, affecting its natural composition and increasing the pollutant load that reaches Santiaguera Bay. To carry out this study were analyzed 24 physical-chemical and 3 microbiological in eight monitoring stations, between the months of February and April of the year 2017, The results obtained are compared with the Cuban Standards drinking water, supply, fishing and bathing, finding, that they don't fulfill the same ones. These hydraulic currents are affected by pathogenic germs: total coliforms, fecal and E. coli. The Quality Index for Surface Waters is determined and is statistically compared with previous studies, there being differences between them, observing a temporary decrease, confirming an increase in contamination.
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