Reference levels of heavy metals in soils at the depository of hazardous waste Juraguá, Cuba
soils; chemical characterization; heavy metals; hazardous wastes.Abstract
The objective of this paper was characterize of the chemical point of view, the soils at the emplacement of hazardous waste depository, at Juraguá, Cuba, as part of the Environmental Baseline. It was possible to establish the reference levels of the following heavy metals (MP): copper (Cu), zinc (Zn); chromium (Cr); nickel (Ni); lead (Pb); cadmium (Cd) and manganese (Mn), by the method of Direct Aspiration by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) in air - acetylene flame, according to procedures. Mercury (Hg) was determined using a direct mercury analyzer (DMA - 80), according to the standard procedure. The confidence intervals for the mean with a probability of 95%, were established and are of great importance for the evaluation of the environmental impact of the installation in the soil. These results are within the range reported as natural values and should be considered as references values for the study area.
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