Uncertainty estimation in the measurement of furvina content in Vitrofural®
incertidumbre; Vitrofural; furvina; espectrofotometría ultravioleta-visible.Abstract
All results of analytical measurements have a degree of uncertainty, which is related to the steps carried out and the materials and/or equipment used in the method. The objective of this work was to estimate the uncertainty in the measurement of the Furvina content in Vitrofural by ultraviolet - visible spectrophotometry, through the GUM approach. The mathematical model was obtained and the sources of uncertainty were identified with a cause-effect diagram. Uncertainty components were evaluated and the combined uncertainty value (0,06 %) was obtained. The greatest contributions to uncertainty correspond to glassware used. The expanded uncertainty (0,12 %) was calculated and the Furvina content was determined in a batch of Vitrofural: the final result was 30,21 % ± 0,12 %, k = 2.
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