Elaboration of shampoo using oil of Moringa oleífera seeds aclimated in Cuba


  • Beatriz Zumalacárregui-de Cárdenas Facultad de Ingeniería Química. Universidad Tecnológica de la Habana, CUJAE. La Habana, Cuba
  • Cándida Ferrer-Serrano Centro de Estudio de Tecnologías Energéticas Renovables. Universidad Tecnológica de la Habana, CUJAE. La Habana, Cuba


moringa oleífera oil; cosmetic; shampoo.


Among the most demanded products in the cosmetic product, market is shampoo. The extraction of oil from Moringa oleifera seeds could be used in the production of shampoo, allowing another opportunity for the Cuban cosmetic industry. The objective of the work is to evaluate the oil extracted from Moringaoleifera seeds of Supergenius and Criolla varieties acclimatized in Cuba, in the production of shampoo. A mechanical extraction of the oil of the two varieties of seeds is carried out and they are characterized by physical-chemical, quantitative analytical methods and by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. With the extracted oils, shampoo preformulations were made that were evaluated by physical, chemical, microbiological and stability tests, selecting the variants that met the established standards of Suchel Camacho and demonstrating that the oil of both varieties can be used in the preparation of shampoo.


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How to Cite

Zumalacárregui-de Cárdenas, B., & Ferrer-Serrano, C. (2021). Elaboration of shampoo using oil of Moringa oleífera seeds aclimated in Cuba. Revista Cubana De Química, 33(1), 40–53. Retrieved from https://cubanaquimica.uo.edu.cu/index.php/cq/article/view/5166




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