Educational tasks of chemistry: their list in the formation of values ethical-professionals in the students
educational task; chemistry; formation of values; formation ethical-professional.Abstract
In the work the elaborated educational tasks are shown, from the treatment of chemical contents with historical focus, and that they favor the formation of values ethical-professionals in the students of the careers of Degree in Education with chemical profile (Biology-chemistry and Chemistry) of the Universidad de Oriente, what constitutes the objective of the investigation. Theoretical, empiric methods and the percentage calculation were used for the qualitative and quantitative valuation of the results; as well as the triangulation of data. With the application of the educational tasks it is contributed to the development of values: love to the science and the profession, responsibility before the study and in their labor practice, sense of ownership and professional identity, demonstrated starting from the attitudes and responsible behavior, and reflected in the way of professional performance.
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