Incorporation of beef marrow in a hair shampoo and evaluation of its effect against alopecia
beef marrow; shampoo; hair loss.Abstract
Hair loss is caused by different factors, and it could be cause of emotional stress in people who present it. The objective of incorporating beef marrow into a hair product as an auxiliary ingredient against hair loss, it was decided to carry out a market study out to specify the characteristics of the shampoo to be developed. Twenty-five formulations with different percentages of beef marrow were elaborated, finally one of them was selected and analyzed to determine its physicochemical characteristics. Two batches were made, one pink with a rose aroma and the other yellow with a citrus aroma, to evaluate by means of an affective sensory acceptance test the degree of effectiveness of the product in comparison with the base shampoo. The sample size was 55, 54 % perceived a decrease in hair loss, suggesting that beef marrow incorporated into a shampoo has an effect against alopecia.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Uriel Arroyo-Cruz, Flor de María Guillén-Jiménez, Gabriela Mendoza-Trinidad, Gabriela Pineda-Camacho, Leticia Martha Raymundo-Núñez

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