Fermentation Technology of the Biological Active Ingredient to Produce Bionematocide HeberNem®


  • Dr.C. Nemecio González-Fernández Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología, Camagüey
  • Dr.C. Luís Ramos-Sánchez Universidad "Ignacio Agramonte y Loynaz", Camagüey
  • Dr.C. Emilio Narciandi-Díaz Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología, La Habana
  • Dr.C. Orestes Mayo-Abad Centro Nacional de Biopreparados, Mayabeque
  • MSc. Jesús Zamora-Sánchez Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología, Camagüey


In the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CGEB) of Camagüey, a product HeberNem®, with probed nematocidic activity, was developed. In this work the fermentation process of the bacteria Tsukamurella paurometabola, C-924 was established taking in account the diauxic growth of the microorganism during the consumption of yeast extract and sucrose as substrates. To develop the process different literature reports were used, specifically those related to high cell density
culture and scale up of the fermentation process. Kinetic constants of the microorganism growth in the designed culture medium were determined. A mathematical model to describe the growth of the microorganism in batch culture was developed and validated at the pilot plant scale. Using mathematical modeling optimal values of the main variables of the process at industrial scale were determined. With this result a high cell density culture of the microorganism Tsukamurella paurometabola, C-924 was established. A clean technology was developed to minimize the agrochemical use, to diminish de environmental damage in the fight against nematodes and to increase the economical benefits to the agriculture.
Keywords: bionematicide, high density cultivation, Tsukamurella paurometabola.



How to Cite

González-Fernández, D. N., Ramos-Sánchez, D. L., Narciandi-Díaz, D. E., Mayo-Abad, D. O., & Zamora-Sánchez, M. J. (2016). Fermentation Technology of the Biological Active Ingredient to Produce Bionematocide HeberNem®. Revista Cubana De Química, 25(1), 55–65. Retrieved from https://cubanaquimica.uo.edu.cu/index.php/cq/article/view/810


