The usefulness of biotinylated h1gag1584 gag gene probe to label-free electrochemical detection proviral DNA for HIV-1



probe H1Gag1584; Graphite-epoxy; Gold; Genosensor; HIV-1; DNA.


The aim of the study is to demonstrate that the biotinylated 19 base oligonucleotide probe of the gag gene H1Gag1584 can be used as a molecular recognition element for the detection of HIV-1 proviral DNA, in two electrochemical detection systems of free laber. Two free leber electrochemical detection systems were evaluated: an impedimetric DNA genosensor using a self-assembled biotin monolayer (SAM) and a voltammetric DNA genosensor by modifying a new epoxy graphite transducer with graphene oxide. The results obtained in this study showed that the biotinylated 19-base oligonucleotide probe of the gag gene H1Gag1584 can be used as a molecular recognition element for the detection of HIV-1 proviral DNA, in two electrochemical detection systems of free labels.


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How to Cite

Balbin-Tamayo, A. I., López-Rizo, L. S., Yamanaka, H., Mardini-Farias, P. A., & Esteva-Guas, A. M. (2021). The usefulness of biotinylated h1gag1584 gag gene probe to label-free electrochemical detection proviral DNA for HIV-1. Revista Cubana De Química, 33(3), 367–382. Retrieved from


