Quantification of nickel and cobalt in wastewater from a gold mineral processing plant



wastewater; nickel; cobalt; verification; atomic absorption spectrometry.


In the present work, the methods for the quantification of nickel and cobalt by atomic absorption spectrometry in wastewater from a gold ore processing plant were verified. Linearity, precision, trueness and detection and quantification limits were evaluated for both methods, proving that they are adequate for the quantifications of these analytes, according to the proposed purposes. The concentrations obtained for the chemical elements in the wastewater samples analyzed were higher than the maximum permissible limits established for the discharge of such water into rivers, reservoirs and hydrogeological zones.


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How to Cite

González-Rivero, R. A., Ribalta-Quesada, J. A., & Jiménez-Prieto, Y. (2021). Quantification of nickel and cobalt in wastewater from a gold mineral processing plant. Revista Cubana De Química, 33(3), 345–366. Retrieved from https://cubanaquimica.uo.edu.cu/index.php/cq/article/view/5190




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