Study of the Keto-Enolic Equilibrium in Structures of Synthetic Curcuminoids by Means of RMN and X Rays Diffraction


  • MSc. Eugenio Torres-Rodríguez Universidad de Granma
  • Dr.C. Quirino Arias-Cedeño Universidad de Granma
  • Dr.C. Manuel Almeida-Saavedra Universidad de Granma
  • Dr.C. Mirjak Michalik-Michalik Universidad de Rostock
  • Dr. Christian Vogel-Vogel Universidad de Rostock


Curcumin is the main extracted coloring pigment of the Curcuma longaL., noted as 1,7-bis(4-hidroxi-3-metoxifenil)-1,6-heptadien-3,5-diona. The structural characterization of the curcuminoides becomes difficult due its scarce solubility in the common organic solvents and by the complexity that
produce in its NMR spectra, the existence of an equilibrium ceto-enólico. In this work two synthetic curcuminoids was obtained by means of condensation reactions attended by microwaves, acceptable yields and a high degree of purity were achieved. With the employment of NMR and X Rays diffraction
it was demonstrated that these structures exist in enolic form.
Key words: Curcuminoids, keto-enolic equilibrium , X Rays diffraction.



How to Cite

Torres-Rodríguez, M. E., Arias-Cedeño, D. Q., Almeida-Saavedra, D. M., Michalik-Michalik, D. M., & Vogel-Vogel, D. C. (2016). Study of the Keto-Enolic Equilibrium in Structures of Synthetic Curcuminoids by Means of RMN and X Rays Diffraction. Revista Cubana De Química, 25(2), 206–213. Retrieved from


