A different form of teaching Inorganic Chemistry


  • Dr. C. Roger W. Pérez-Matos Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas “Frank País García”, Santiago de Cuba


Inorganic Chemistry is one of the fundamental branches of Chemistry, which witch the same name; its contents are modeled and taught as subject is discipline in many university centers. The experience has demonstrated that in some occasions, the students don´t understand the essence of this discipline because it isn´t taught taking into account some regularities that are considered very important to understand it. In this work the author presents a didactic model for teaching Inorganic Chemistry which has as main ground two regularities to take into account for structuring and teaching the content of this discipline. Otherwise, it is explained the main reference of the didactic model, with a less descriptive approach. The suggestions for the elaboration of the proposal have their bases on the historical tendencies of the teaching of this discipline in different institutions of high education.

Keywords: didactic model, regularities, Inorganic Chemistry.



How to Cite

Pérez-Matos, D. C. R. W. (2015). A different form of teaching Inorganic Chemistry. Revista Cubana De Química, 27(2), 197–203. Retrieved from https://cubanaquimica.uo.edu.cu/index.php/cq/article/view/262


