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Diretrizes para Autores


The "Revista Cubana de Química" is a four-month publication from the Ministry of Higher Education, co-sponsored by the Cuban Society of Chemistry, and published by the Scientific and Technical Information Center at the University of Oriente in Santiago de Cuba. RCQ publishes in spanish and english, original research articles, revisions, technical notes and articles about education and history in chemistry.  All the manuscripts submitted to RCQ are evaluated by, at least, two reviewers (from Cuba and abroad) of recognized expertise in the field of chemistry involved in the manuscript, which are responsible for the quality, relevance and originality of articles, under double-blind mode, ensuring the anonymity of both authors and reviewers, who are given the judgment format used by the journal.  

Thematic scope

Analytical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Medicinal, Pharmaceutical and Natural Products; Environmental Chemistry, Nanoscience and Materials, Biochemistry and Chemical Education.

The Journal has a blind peer review process.

The Journal doesn't have article processing charges (APCs).

The Journal doesn't have article submission charges.

The author will acknowledge the Journal prerogatives to assume  the principles of Open Access, established in Berlin, Bethesda and Budapest, concerning the open publication of the article and the protection of the of the copyright under the "Creative Commons" license (CC BY-NC-ND)

Original articles. To publish original research works.

Reviews. They are literature reviews on current knowledge in a specific field of chemistry. They are carried out on assignment of the editorial board.

Articles should be sent to the editor in digital format to the following address:

Submit online or be sent by e-mail (, in which case they will be attached to the message of introduction.

In all the cases, the paper should be accompanied by an introductory letter signed by all the joint authors that it includes: a) declaration that the manuscript has been read and approved in all its parts by all the joint authors; b) confirmation that the work has not been published previously c) the name, address, telephone and fax numbers of one of the authors for the correspondence.

Nomenclature rules of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) should be applied to all works. When a common name is first used in the text, the IUPAC equivalent must go within parentheses. The spectra (NMR, IR, UV, etc.) must come with a table (indicating position and intensity). In the case of crystallographic data, the rules of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) are to be observed.  

The structure of the work must follow the following order:  

Title (English or Spanish): Reflects, clearly and directly, the content of the article, abbreviations will be avoided.  

Name (s) of the author (s): Full name of each of the authors must appear; if more than one last name a hyphen will be used to separate them, e.g: González-Pérez. Other data will be indicated such as: specialty, educational categories, scientific degree and profession, mailing address (including zip code) of the institution where each author works, email, fax and telephone numbers, country code included city, province or state, and the date in which the job was sent.  

Abstract (English and Spanish): 100 to 150 words, objectives, methods, results and conclusions clearly stated. Abbreviations and references must be avoided.  

Keywords (English and Spanish): Three to five keywords.  

Structure of body (except for reviews):

0. Introduction.

1. Theoretical fundament .

2. Materials and methods.

3. Results and discussion.

4. Conclusions.

5. Reference.

References, equations, tables and figures must be numbered consecutively according to their insertion in the text (references in parallel bars as [1], the equations in parentheses, as (1), (2), the tables as Table 1, Table 2 and Figures like Figure 1), Figure 2).

Use word processing software containing document files compatible with Microsoft Word. Font type must be, Times New Roman 12 point, to a single column, justified. Equation editor must be compatible with Microsoft Word and the same font as the rest of the article is to be used.

For details, authors may contact the editor of the Journal.


All reference data are required and will be made according to ISO 690-2: 2013, IDT. They are shown, in the following paragraphs, according to the type of publication. Do not include references to confidential communications or restricted publications that are not readily accessible to readers.



SURNAME (S), Initial (s). "Article Title." Title of the publication. Year. Volume, number, initial page-end page.

Example: DOMINGUEZ-ROMERO, A. N.; GARCÍA- MENDOZA, A. J.; BAEZA-REYES, J. A. “Determinación microanalítica de potasio en muestras de interés farmacéutico y clínico”, Revista Cubana de Química. 2014, 26 (3), 147-146. ISSN: 2224-5421

Books and monographs

SURNAME (S), Initial (s). Book title. Edition number. Place of Publication: Publisher, editing year. Number of pages. Series. Letters. ISBN.

Without editors

Example 1: SHAW, DJ, Introducción a la química de superficies y coloides.  2nd. Edition. Madrid: Alhambra, 1977. 276 p.  ISBN 84-2050193-X.

 Example 2: 1ADAMSON, A.W. y GAST, A. P. Physical Chemistry of Surface. 6ta Edición. New York: Wiley, 1997. ISBN 0-471-14873-3

With editors

Example:  SESHADRI, R. “Oxide nanoparticles”. In: RAO C.N.R.; MULLER, A.;  CHEETHAM, A. K. (Eds.). The Chemistry of nanomaterials: Synthesis, properties and Applications. Weinheim: Wiley –VCH, 2004, vol.1,  pp. 98-105. ISBN: 978-3-527-30686-2

Figures (with an only white background) including graphics with Cartesian axes should not be presented with plot background or sub- axes, unless it is necessary to interpret the figure.

Figures will be of an equal or greater size than the final dimensions that will appear in the Journal. 

When a figure is formed by two or more illustrations or interrelated micrographs, so that all illustrations correspond to the same figure number, they must be indicated by a), b), c).

Tables should carry a header and should be intelligible without recourse to the text. They will present no plot, and horizontal and vertical divisions of the data is limited to those essential for the compression thereof.

Both the text and the illustrations will only use the symbols and abbreviations used by the International System of Units (SI), except in cases where it is inappropriate.


By submitting an article, the authors agree to transfer their rights over the paper to the editor, as long as the article is accepted for publication. These copyrights cover rights to reproduce and distribute the article in any media, as well as its translations.


The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be exclusively used for the stated purposes of this magazine and will not be available for any other purpose or person.

Ph.D. Omaida Quesada González

Editor in Chief

Política de Privacidade

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be exclusively used for the stated purposes of this magazine and will not be available for any other purpose or person.