Phosphatase inhibition assay for risk detection due to contamination with microcystins in water


  • Liliana María Gómez-Luna 1 Centro Nacional de Electromagnetismo Aplicado (CNEA), Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • José Carlos Rodríguez-Tito CINTRO S.A., Sede Mella, Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Narvis Cedeño-Soularit Centro de Toxicología y Biomedicina (TOXIMED), Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Yadenis Ortega-Díaz Centro Nacional de Electromagnetismo Aplicado (CNEA), Santiago de Cuba, Cuba


cianotoxinas; fosfatasa; microcistinas; calidad del agua


Microcystins in drinking water have been identified as a top priority on a global scale, due to their toxic
effects on human health, so the phosphatase inhibition assay was evaluated as a rapid diagnostic method
for the detection of the risk of microcystin contamination in water. The assay was performed based on the
analog modeling of the alkaline phosphatase assay. In all the cases studied, the percentage of inhibition
ranged from 65 % to 95 %, indicating that the method used is sensitive and valid for this analysis. These
results were verified by species identification, as a complementary study that confirmed the results obtained.
The proposed protocol is valid for the detection of microcystin contamination risk in water for human
consumption, showing high sensitivity.


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How to Cite

Gómez-Luna, L. M., Rodríguez-Tito, J. C., Cedeño-Soularit, N., & Ortega-Díaz, Y. (2024). Phosphatase inhibition assay for risk detection due to contamination with microcystins in water. Revista Cubana De Química, 36(1), 47–56. Retrieved from


