Use of sugarcane bagasse and basic activation, for the synthesis of carbon
cinética de la pirólisis; activación con NaOH; carbones.Abstract
In this work, coals are obtained for energy purposes by impregnating sugarcane bagasse with sodium
hydroxide. For its characterization, immediate, elemental analysis, thermal analysis techniques and kinetic
studies were carried out. The composition of the modified sugarcane bagasse is identified and that, due
to its lower moisture and ash content, it can be pyrolyzed. The lower influence of activation with sodium
hydroxide on the thermal profile is demonstrated, with respect to unmodified bagasse and is explained by
its lower interaction with the biomass, according to mechanisms proposed by other authors. The kinetic
parameters that determine the reactions studied were specified, demonstrating the kinetic complexity of the
process. The conductivity of the carbon obtained is demonstrated and explained.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Dannis Adrian Cascaret-Carmenaty, Pedro Demetrio Muné-Bandera, Manuel Ángel Cantos-Macías, Omaida Quesada-González

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