Implementation of integrative seminars in organic chemistry for its continuation with the pharmaceutical specialty
organic chemistry; seminars; pharmaceutical professional; interdisciplinary; professional formation.Abstract
The teaching of the Organic Chemistry for the career of Pharmaceutical Sciences of the Universidad de Oriente is sustained in relationships interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary con it bases on its principle rector: relationship structure-property-applications. The present work shows the results obtained of implementation of integrative seminars in the Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry I and Chemistry Organic Pharmacist II for a bigger contribution in the pharmaceutical professional's formation. The methods were used: historical-logical, system focus, analysissynthesis, inductive-deductive and specialist criterion. Abilities related with the profession are shown, expressed in the analytic programs of each subject, their correspondence with the seminars and the results reached with this class type during the courses 2018-2019 and 20192020. The integration of the contents of the Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry was achieved I and II, as well as with other subjects of the career, being demonstrated the narrow linking between the Organic Chemistry and the pharmaceutical specialty.
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