Determination of the phytoremediation coefficients of cadmium and lead in the American Romerillo
pihytoremediation; pollution; heavy metals; remediation coefficient.Abstract
In the present research, was to determine the remediation coefficients of cadmium and lead of American Romerillo in soils contaminated. The analysis of heavy metals in two soils, the brown soil with carbonate and the dark plastic gleyseous, and in the different organs of the plant, was carried out by atomic absorption spectroscopy. The experiments were conducted at the laboratory level using experimental phytoremediation systems, with more controlled conditions and at the contaminated site, where only the brown soil was analyzed. The biological phytoremediation coefficients obtained, both for the experimental systems and in the in-situ experiments, were greater than one, except for the root biological uptake coefficient for lead. This result is in correspondence with the higher lead concentrations obtained in the leaves with respect to the root, showing the plant's capacity to assimilate this metal. The remediation coefficients obtained show that the American Romerillo has the capacity to bioaccumulate cadmium and lead in both soils.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Maira María Pérez-Villar, Margie Zorrilla-Velazco, Leyanis Domínguez-Martínez, Yaribey Mayusca González-Roche, Mallelyn González-González

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