Determination of cyanide in flour and strach of cassava (Manihot esculenta), of variety censa 64-7329


  • Eugenio Torres-Rodríguez Centro de Estudios de Química Aplicada. Universidad de Granma, Cuba
  • Yunier Aleaga-Álvarez Empresa de Ingeniería y Servicios Técnicos Azucareros, Jucaibama. Bayamo, Granma, Cuba
  • Robinson Hermosilla-Espinosa Centro de Estudios de Química Aplicada. Universidad de Granma, Cuba
  • Melquiades Ramos-Escalona Departamento de Química. Facultad Ciencias Agrícolas. Universidad de Granma, Cuba


Manihot esculenta; flour; starch; cyanide content.


The growing use of cassava (Manihot esculenta) and its derivatives in the food industry makes it necessary to know the amount of cyanide that this vegetable can contribute to shaped foods. Cassava flour and starch of the CENSA 64-7329 variety, suitable for human consumption, were prepared. In fresh cassava, flour and starch, the moisture content was determined to know the amount of water that is eliminated after processing, in which cyanide can be leached. The protein content was determined by the Kjeldahl method and allowed choosing the cyanide quantification method without the interference of other nitrogenous compounds. Cyanide quantification was performed by two procedures: alkaline titration method with AgNO3 and the spectrophotometric method using ninhydrin as color developer. The amount of cyanide detected by both methods is below the limits established by the FAO-WHO.


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How to Cite

Torres-Rodríguez, E. ., Aleaga-Álvarez, Y. ., Hermosilla-Espinosa, R. ., & Ramos-Escalona, M. . (2022). Determination of cyanide in flour and strach of cassava (Manihot esculenta), of variety censa 64-7329. Revista Cubana De Química, 34(3), 462–476. Retrieved from




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