Evaluation of distillery vinasse from “Arquímedes Colina” for the synthesis of carbonaceous materials
vinassedestill; characterization; carbon source.Abstract
In this work, the physicochemical characterization of the distillery stillage from the UEB “Arquímedes Colina” was carried out. The parameters that determine the pollutant load of the residual were evaluated, such as pH, electrical conductivity, temperature and ash. Also, due to the intended use of this residual, the content of reducing sugars, fixed carbon and elemental and immediate analysis were evaluated. The results obtained indicate that according to Cuban Standard 27: 2012 the residual has a high pollutant load due mainly to its low pH (4,4), high temperature (99 oC) and high content of dissolved solids (40,10 g/L). The reductant content and Pol are 0,20 % and 0,12 %, respectively; indicating a low sugar content in the liquid residual. Fixed carbon is 6,5 g/L indicating that the organic matter present is relatively volatile.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Norberto Rodríguez-Suárez, Omaida Quesada-González, Roberto Machado-García, Manuel Ángel Cantos-Macías, Dileinys Suárez-Salazar

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