Characterization of the Curcuma longa L. Essential oil and its insecticidal activity against aedes aegypti


  • Quirino Arias-Cedeño Centro de Estudios de Química Aplicada, Facultad de Ciencias Técnicas, Universidad de Granma. Granma, Cuba
  • Maureen Leyva-Silva Departamento de Control de Vectores, Instituto de Medicina Tropical Pedro Kourí. La Habana, Cuba
  • Edilfredo Avila-Bornot Centro de Estudios de Química Aplicada, Facultad de Ciencias Técnicas, Universidad de Granma. Granma, Cuba
  • Holger Feist Departamento de Química Orgánica, Instituto de Química. Universidad de Rostock, Alemania
  • Peter Langer Departamento de Química Orgánica, Instituto de Química. Universidad de Rostock, Alemania


curcuma longa; essential oil; larvicidal activity; adulticidal activity; Aedes aegypti.


In order to determine the insecticidal potential against Aedes aegypti of the essential oil of the
rhizomes of Curcuma longa L., this was extracted by hydrodistillation and its quality evaluated by
organoleptic and physicochemical parameters such as refractive index (1,4969), optical rotation
(-33,412), density (0,937 3 g/mL) and its ultraviolet and infrared absorption spectra. The oil
showed significant larvicidal activity with LC50 lower than 100 mg/L and by the methodologies of
bottles and impregnated papers it produced 100% of the knockdown of adult mosquitoes at doses
of 50 mg/mL. The processing of the bioassay data was performed using the Probit test of the SPSS
statistical program (version 11 for Windows). The results obtained constitute the first
characterization of the essential oil of C. longa cultivated in the eastern Cuban region and its
insecticidal activity, an ecological and effective alternative for the control of Aedes aegypti



How to Cite

Arias-Cedeño, Q., Leyva-Silva, M., Avila-Bornot, E., Feist, H., & Langer, P. (2020). Characterization of the Curcuma longa L. Essential oil and its insecticidal activity against aedes aegypti. Revista Cubana De Química, 32(3), 378–389. Retrieved from




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